REPORT: idioma @ DMS 2018 in Tokyo and Automatica 2018 in Munich

At the end of June, both the Japanese and European sales teams of idioma went out to the world to talk about our translation services.

idioma @ DMS 2018 in Tokyo

Our Japanese sales team managed our booth at the 29th Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo (DMS) in Tokyo. Held inside Manufacturing World Japan 2018, DMS is Japan’s largest exhibition gathering all kinds of IT solution providers and attracting professionals looking to buy IT solutions for their business. This year, both the number of participants and visitors increased in comparison with the previous year. We talked to many people who were interested not just in translation and QA services, but also in our terminology management solutions, and free online services such as the language query portal Ask!Stream for instant translation estimates, and NextDoc for convenient text reuse. And just as the year before, we handed out plenty of candy 🙂
There was so much to talk about. If you would like to continue the discussion, or to ask just about anything relating to our translation services, please let us know at

idioma @ Automatica 2018 in Munich

Meanwhile in Munich, our European sales team attended the leading exhibition for smart automation and robotics – Automatica 2018 – an interesting exhibition with lots of companies, both big and small, most of whom are growing quite fast. This year it was the most international Automatica since its beginning, and indeed, we met with companies from all over Europe.

Would you like to know more about our translation services or discuss you translation needs in person? Please contact us at, or meet us from 18th to 22nd September at AMB 2018 in Stuttgart!


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