idioma at JTF Translation Festival in Tokyo

Hmmm, what to do on November 26th 2014…? How about going to Tokyo to the 24th JTF Translation Festival?! The country’s biggest annual show for translators and translation vendors takes place in Japan and idioma will, of course, participate, as it does every year.

Break the Paradigm, Shape the Future

With Tokyo hosting the Olympic Games in 2020, the festival is likely to unknowingly face the “dawn of the new translation era until 2020”. idioma will present its innovative portfolio focusing on online translation services with trendsetting potential (Stream, CrossCheck, Ask, iSync and more) that might also shape the future of translation services in general.

Stream – Putting Translation Orders Online

Our top asset to boast at the festival is our flagship service – Stream. It provides free online translation estimates and 24/7 ordering, with no minimum fees and delivery within 4 business hours. With new handy features including full translation memory support and fuzzy matching, over 5000 possible (and exotic) language pairs and an API that supports integration with CMS systems, Stream is the future of ordering and purchasing translation projects. We have developed Stream to support fast turn-around of ad-hoc mini orders, as well as demanding translation projects.
So come and see us yourself…or wait for the Festival to finish to see none can rock harder than translators! (will provide the footage) 🙂

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